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Differential Scanning Calorimeters

We manufacture Differential Scanning Calorimeters that allow the measurement of different characteristic properties of various samples and ensure accurate and reliable results. It features an LCD touch-screen display. Designed with a test data storage function. High resolution, stable base line, air flow meter, bilateral control, etc. are some of the features which ensure accurate and reliable results.

Differential Scanning Calorimeter LDSC-A10
Temperature range : RT to 800°C (Air cooled)
Temperature resolution : 0.1°C
Temperature fluctuations : ± 0.1°C
Temperature repeatability : ± 0.1°C
Differential Scanning Calorimeter LDSC-A11
Temperature range : RT to 600°C (Air cooled)
Temperature resolution : 0.1°C
Temperature fluctuations : ± 0.1°C
Temperature repeatability : ± 0.1°C
Differential Scanning Calorimeter LDSC-A12
Temperature range : -100°C to 800°C (Liquid nitrogen refrigeration)
Temperature resolution : 0.1°C
Temperature fluctuations : ± 0.1°C
Temperature repeatability : ± 0.1°C